Birth of a little giraffe

Geburt im Giraffenhaus

Movie details

Production: Germany, 2005
Series: Fortsetzung folgt
Channel: RBB/KiKA (Children's Channel)
Director: Bernadette Hauke
Produziert von: Unique productions
Camera: Hans-Peter Dürhager u.a.
Sound: Valeska Peters
Length: 30 min.

Movie description

A baby giraffe is born in the Duisburg Zoo - one week old but two meters high. It is still dangling on its long legs, but very soon it will quantum jump through the compound. The small net giraffe has to wait for its name for a while, because there will be a name-finding advertisement where everybody can propose his ideas.

Werner the zookeeper has his own nickname for the baby giraffe, because it is strange for him not to talk directly to the animal. Werner is very creative in finding names. And he has got his hands full of work because it is winter time and it starts becoming cramped with all the giraffes in the compound.

Pictures of the movie