Sleepless Birds

Sleepless Birds - Trailer: Dana Melaver (Vimeo)

Movie details

Production: Pangolin Doxx Film
Year of production: France/Brittany, 2021-2022
Director, Camera, Sound, Editing: Tom Claudon, Dana Melaver
Music: Lukas Sweetwood
Color Grading und Mastering: PHAROS - The Post Group
Length: 45 min.

Movie description

How does a tomato change our sense of time? At the border between science-fiction and documentary, “Sleepless Birds” tracks the rise of artificially-lit, industrial greenhouses in the French region of Bretagne. The film presents the environmental impact of grow lights on biodiversity, as well as on our rhythm and perception of time.

In examining the case of agricultural light pollution, the film also raises questions about the unintended consequences of human attempts to overpower nature and control the elements.


Sleepless Birds had its world premiere on May 4th and 5th, 2023 at the Documentary Film Festival "Hot Docs" in Toronto. The filmmakers Dana Melaver and Tom Claudon and the composer Lukas Sweetwood were on site.

Awards and nominations

Pictures of the movie

Links to the movie

Link zum Trailer:

Dana Melaver: